“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

- Thomas Edison -

About Edwin

  • Age: 28
  • Location: Singapore, Singapore
  • Email: edwin@trumpcards.app
  • Phone: +65 9619 9931

Edwin started his career in a boutique IB firm as an investment analyst and immediately fell in love with the world of finance. He is naturally curious and enjoy spending time connecting with others and exploring new ideas together. He believes that great leaders are those who bring others together and lead by example. He gets a kick out of problem solving and driving business impact. Always up for a challenge and ready to get his hands dirty.

Business Development


Investor Relations







455m Capital Intro
240 Projects completed
5870 Hours worked
11 Awards won

Experience | Education



Blog News


Rise of a new trend (Live selling & Trading Cards and Collectibles)

By the time Covid-19 reared its ugliest head around the middle of 2021, world governments had already brought every conceivable measure to bear for all intents and purposes.

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Biden win, what's in for the market?

Biden would be inheriting an economy in a real mess and struggling to find footing in the midst of the second wave of coronavirus infections. Adding the uncertainty of a new administration into an already wildly uncertain environment could be a recipe for some choppiness.

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Learning from the past: Analysis of current situation

Did the stock market bottom out? That's the billion-dollar question on everyone's mind. For so long, I hear people telling me, "BUY THE DIP,"" BEST TIME TO GET IN," "BUY LOW SELL HIGH,"; you get my drift.

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